Indianapolis Dental Implants Price and Cost Guide
One of the very first questions people have about dental implants always seems to be “How much do dental implants cost?” This can be a tough question to answer.
There are so many variables and every dental implant placement surgery is unique. However, we will do our best here to provide the best dental implant pricing guide we can.
How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?
The decision to get dental implants takes a different path for each individual. Jane may be a long time denture wearer who is tired of dealing with loose dentures and is interested in permanent dentures supported by dental implants. John may have lost a tooth in a pickup basketball game, catching a stray elbow to the mouth. Mary has a failed dental bridge that was replacing three missing teeth and cannot fathom wearing a removable partial denture. While all three are candidates for dental implants to replace their missing teeth, they will need vastly different treatment plans to get their smiles back.
Another factor that makes answering the question, “How much do dental implants cost?” is the fact that each dental implant surgery is different. Everyone has a unique anatomy, different oral health factors and even different anesthesia preferences that make a “one size fits all” approach to the cost of dental implants almost impossible to universally define and should be avoided.
Here is a list of some of the common factors that may affect the cost of dental implants in your particular case:
- The number of dental implants required
- The location of the missing teeth to be replaced (i.e. front teeth or molars)
- Is there a high “Smile Line”
- The number of teeth that need to be extracted before implants can be placed
- Whether bone grafting will need to be performed to support the implants
- The complexity of the bone grafting procedure that may need to be performed
- Local anesthetic vs. I.V. sedation
- The overall restorative plan, i.e. single tooth, Implant bridge, removable “snap in/out” denture or permanent denture.
- Whether stock restorative parts can be used or rather custom made parts are used (our preference)
- Whether your dentist uses a laboratory in the US or China (many US dentists send their work to China because it costs them less)
In addition to all these factors you still have to factor in the amount of assistance you will be receiving from your dental insurance provider.
Dr. Falender has been successfully placing dental implants in the Indianapolis area since 1987. And after placing thousands of implants in thousands of patients he has an expert understanding of the cost of dental implants in Indianapolis. As you can see, however, there are many factors that go into the price of a new smile.
Dental implants require two distinct, but related phases. The surgical phase and the restorative phase. Dr. Falender handles the surgical procedures and works closely with your dentist (or a dentist we recommend) in making sure the final outcome is what our patients want. In addition, each doctor does what they do best. At the one-stop shop, you may very well get someone who does not excel at either the surgery or the restorative procedures.
Consider What Makes Up The Cost of Dental Implants
- The number of extractions needed.
- Whether bone grafting is needed.
- The cost of the dental implant.
- The final restoration from a dentist.
- What your true cost will be after insurance is considered.
Most of all, remember that it can be misleading to only look at cost and decide to choose your provider based on a number alone. Experience, board certification and your overall comfort level with your surgeon are factors that are difficult to assign a dollar value to, but may be key factors in the success of your dental implant procedure.