Top 3 Jaw Dropping Facts about TMJ Disorders

If your jaw is often painful, it locks or clicks when you open your mouth or you have frequent headaches, neck-aches or earaches, you might have TMJ dysfunction (TMJD). Your TMJ (temporomandibular joints) are the two joints that connect your lower jaw to your upper jaw. If these joints are damaged or put under strain,…

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Five Ways to Speed up Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

So removed your wisdom teeth and looking for some tips to speed up the recovery process? Well, the best way to recover from wisdom teeth removal extraction is to follow your dentists’ instructions strictly. Failing to do so can result in a painful recovery, including a dry socket. If you have just undergone wisdom teeth…

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Home Treatment For TMJ

What is TMJ? TMJ stands for Tempero Mandibular Joint Disorder, and THAT stands for a giant pain in the jaw. It can come about because of jaw misalignment, uneven or misplaced teeth, or the stress of tooth clenching during the night. TMJ can have mild to extreme cases, and sometimes a slight adjustment at home…

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